17 december 2005

Alvaros kommentarer

Alexander Alvaro var Europaparlamentets föredragande i frågan om trafikdatalagring. I ett mejl går han ut med hård kritik mot Europaparlamentet. Följande citat är några utdrag från mejlet.
It'd bad enough that the European parliament in spite of a clear committee vote, wasn't able to prevent monkey business among the two large political groups in the EP. That 450 million European citizens will by the directive adopted today be placed under general suspicion on the premises of combatting terrorism, is shameful.
The time pressure we were put under dores not justify the way things were being handled. If this project is so important for the citizens of Europe and not just a farewell present to the British presidency, we should have acted with more caution.
By voting as we did today we create a precedent where Council need only say 'jump!' and Parliament cries 'how high?'. UNder these circumstances I feel forced to withdraw my name from this report. This is something I can no longer support", said ALVARO after the plenary vote.
Socialists and conservatives are now no more than member states' stooges, who cherish the illusion that Parliament has gained respect and power by today's vote. The contrary is the case" ends ALVARO.
Det är i själva verket väldigt svårt att hitta någon som inte har något annat än hård kritik mot denna typ av övervakning. Det är därför inte svårt att förstå att det krävdes kohandel för att ministerrådet och Bodström skulle lyckas få genom direktivet.