30 mars 2006

Lawrence Lessig då och nu

/.../there are lots of problems with DRM systems precisely because code is used to enforce copyright rights. Code can never accurately map fair use, it can never reserve a right to criticize the existing expanse of control, etc. (anm, min kursivering)
Lawrence Lessing 13 april 2003
Sun has made recent announcements about their openDRM project. In my view, they’ve made some commitments that are important for any DRM project. E.g., as I’ve seen it described, it would be implemented to allow individuals to assert “fair use,”...(anm, min kursivering)
Lawrence Lessing 23 mars 2006

Vad försöker jag säga med denna post? Inget speciellt, faktiskt. Men det är kul att se hur mycket det händer på tre år.

(Till Lessings försvar, läs bloggposterna Lessing skrivit. Citaten ovan är tagna ur sammanhangen).